Experience you need. Results you want.

On arriving once in Mayapur, Prabhupada entered his quarters, leaned back in his seat, and relaxed with his legs on his desk. He then drank from his water glass. “Ah, Mayapur water,” he said. He then related how Mayapur is the spiritual kingdom and that living and dying in Mayapur is the same. He said that if you live in Mayapur, then you are living in the spiritual world, and that if you die in Mayapur, then you go back to the spiritual world.

Jayapataka Maharaja - Little Drops of Nectar

Legally constructed building

Best quality for reasonable price

Complete transparency during legal arrangements

Personalised payment plan

Possibility of individual planning during the construction phase

In addition to a great home you also get

A complete package of documents for registration of ownership

The possibility of designing your apartment